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- Linnaeus University Centres
Seed project: Programming social robots - a tool for learning in the multilingual primary school The aim is to contribute to teachers' capacity to work with programming social robots in classrooms…
Doctoral project: Population dynamics and controls of the microbial food web Phytoplankton, zooplankton, heterotrophic bacteria, and viruses are the major components of the marine microbial food web.…
Seed project: Machine learning stabilized steady-state advective-diffusive heat transport This seed project aims to explore and use the strengths of Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) to solve the…
Project: DiToM – Diagnostic Tools in Mathematics This project aims to bring together expertise from different European countries and create a diagnostic material in mathematics. The project DiToM…
Project: Digital Tools and Digital Competence in Preschool and School Teaching In this project, we conducted research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in…
Linnaeus University Centre for Biomaterials Chemistry Linnaeus University Centre for Biomaterials Chemistry is a principal research environment that deals with the development and the adaptation of…
Zoonotic Ecology and Epidemiology We work with all aspects of zoonotic infections, from collection of samples and screening programs to detailed genetic and molecular characterization. The aim is to…
Fish Ecology Baltic coastal populations of predatory fish, mainly perch and pike, has been greatly reduced in recent decades. Underlying causes can be altered food webs, competition and disrupted…
Computational Chemistry and Biochemistry Group We use computer simulations to better understand how biologically-relevant and other interesting molecules behave. By using computer modelling and…
Condensed Matter Physics Research in condensed matter at Linnaeus University is done in the Condensed Matter Physics (CMP) research group. We deal primarily with theoretical studies of nanomagnetism,…
Systems Biology of Microorganisms Systems biology is the study of the interactions between the components of biological systems
Food Science Our research is oriented towards food and nutritional sciences. Our focus is on food quality and product development of new healthy food.
Mathematics Education In the Mathematics Education research group we conduct both theoretical and applied research. The group participates in national and international collaboration with researchers…
Maritime science The research in maritime science includes at present: 1) working life, organisation and risk management, 2) the environmental effects of shipping and marine spatial planning, 3)…
Environmental Geochemistry Our research group consists of environmental scientists working with issues related to environmental geochemistry, which is the study of how chemical processes and flows in…
Palaeoecology, Environment And ClimatE (PEACE) Our research focuses on understanding past short- to long-term interactions between the environment, human activities and climate. This is necessary to…
The Digi Group We conduct research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in preschool-class and school teaching, as well as on how such use affects preschool-children’s…