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Results 1-18 of 35
- Research project
- Research
Project: Viral Transmission in the Dynamic Environment of Surface Microlayers and Rainwater (VIRTIDE) Viruses of bacteria hold a distinct position at the boundary between the atmosphere and…
Project: VanProd - Innovation for Enhanced Production of Vanadium from Waste Streams in the Nordic Region Vanadium is an important element for industry and despite its projected increased consumption,…
Project: The potential of biochar in a circular agriculture The aim of this project is to investigate how the addition of biochar to arable land can affect the soil's ability to retain nutrients, in…
Project: The highest bubble streams on record raise questions on methane emissions from the deep Baltic Sea This project aims to understand processes that lead to a huge accumulation of methane gas at…
Project: Technology-critical elements; soil-crop transfer, oral bioaccessibility and toxicity This project addresses a group of "new" metals, for which there is currently a dramatic increase in use…
Project: Syntrophy and symbiosis as mechanisms for growth and survival in deep terrestrial biosphere fracture systems Despite being separated from the sun’s energy, life exists deep underground in…
Project: Soil contaminant transfer to urban vegetables In this project, we study the significance of some key factors for the transfer of soil contaminants to vegetables grown in urban environments.
Project: Sediment Uptake and Remediation on Ecological basis (Life Sure) This project will demonstrate, validate and control a cost-effective and innovative dredging technique with minimum impacts on…
Project: Scientifically based mobility measures for an effective climate transition Which mobility measures are effective in getting people to travel sustainably where there are already high quality…
Project: Roots for remediation - collaborative phytoremediation in post-catastrophe environments The aim of the project will be to develop efficient bio-remedial technologies for sustainable recovery…
Project: Reviving Baltic Resilience (RBR) The Baltic Sea Region is one of the most innovative regions in the world when looking at new green technologies. The main objective and rationale of the…
Project: Production and consumption of the greenhouse gas methane in the crystalline bedrock This project is about formation and consumption (anaerobic oxidation) of the greenhouse gas methane in one…
Project: Prevention and Mitigation of Waste Fires (PreMiWaFi) The project focuses on the issue of waste fires in the Baltic Sea region.
Project: Mobilization and redox-cycling of uranium in two boreal sulfidic landscapes The overall aim of this project is to explore and investigate the biogeochemical processes that control the…
Project: Metal accumulation in the Baltic Sea sediments: implications for environmental monitoring programs and mitigation actions The load of trace metals to Baltic Sea waters and their accumulation…
Project: Mapping of the conditions for efficient remanufacturing of furniture used in public environments We want to increase the knowledge about circular economy and remanufacturing of furniture…
Project: Integrated approach for industrial wastewater and stormwater management in wood-industry sector This project mainly financed by KK-stiftelsen (Knowledge Foundation) was the platform for the…
Project: Greenhouse gas (GHG) production in Swedish fiberbanks In the aquatic environment, heavily polluted fiberbanks, originating from pulp and paper industry discharges during the 19th and 20th…