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Results 1-18 of 126
Information and Software Visualization (ISOVIS) The research group Information and Software Visualization mainly focuses on the explorative analysis and visualization of large and complex information…
Data Intensive Software Technologies and Applications (DISTA) The research group Data Intensive Software Technologies and Applications studies data-driven approaches, such as machine learning,…
Center for Learning and Knowledge Technologies The research in the subject Media Technology at Linnaeus University revolves a lot around mobility, social media and learning, and is mainly carried out…
AdaptWise The AdaptWise research group conducts research on the foundations and engineering of self-adaptive software systems. The primary focus is on: i) dynamic architectures and runtime mechanisms…
Designing for Innovation and Learning (DIL) The Designing for Innovation and Learning research group does interdisciplinary research in the field of digital transformation within various domains.
Project: Information Engineering Center Information Engineering Center (IEC) is a research and collaboration project at Linnaeus University. Our goal is to create new businesses, new jobs and…
Project: Smart Cities – Ready project The Ready project is a five year (2014-2019) international research project financed by the European Commission, focusing on implementing advanced energy…
Digital Humanities Digital humanities is an interdisciplinary field of study that represents a bridge between the arts and humanities and information technology.
Project: Development of a Master Programme in Computer Science The aim of this project is to develop our existing two-year master programme in Computer Science (with specialization in Software…
Project: StaViCTA Stancetaking is an important factor for social interaction in human communication. This interdisciplinary project will identify how we express stance on the Internet – to create a…
Project: SciChallenge Using digital technologies and social media, the SciChallenge project will create a competition to engage more young people in Europe in the areas of natural science, technology…
Project: Software Technology for Self-Adaptive Systems The purpose of this project is to increase the engineering efficiency of self-adaptive systems. The development, maintenance and operation of…
Project: From empowering to viable living (FRONT-VL) To increase the aging population’s influence over their own situation and to help them to be able to stay at home longer, with the help of Internet…
Project: Linnaeus University as a unique iSchool The core idea of this project is to establish a unique iSchool (information School) at Linnaeus University. An iSchool refers to university-level…
Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications The DISA research centre at Linnaeus University focuses its efforts on open questions in collection, analysis and utilization of…
Project: Provably Secure Self-Protecting Systems (PROSSES) The PROSSES project will result in techniques and tools to create a protecting layer for software systems against attacks from the Internet.
VRxAR Labs The VRxAR Labs research group is exploring interface design for Mixed Reality environments, such as Virtual and Augmented Reality.
Project: Open Data Exploration in Virtual Reality (ODxVR) The purpose of the ODxVR project is to propose novel interface design approaches that enable interactive visualization of Open Data (OD)…