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- Linnaeus University Centres
Project: NIPROFEED - unraveling the nitrogen fixation-primary production feedback loop: implications for carbon cycling and oceanic health The NIPROFEED project explores how diazotrophs, microbes that…
Project: Multi-Use Offshore Platform This project examines the feasibility of developing a pilot-scale multi-use offshore platform (MUOP) at the wind farm nearshore Kårehamn in the Baltic Sea.
Project: Mobilization and redox-cycling of uranium in two boreal sulfidic landscapes The overall aim of this project is to explore and investigate the biogeochemical processes that control the…
Project: Migratory connectivity of Pallas’s Fish Eagle populations in Asia The Pallas’s Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus) is a globally threatened species that occurs in wetlands in parts of…
Project: Microbial consortia for enhanced copper recovery (MiCCuR) The world’s demand for metals is increasing all the time while the available stocks are dwindling. This project will develop the…
Project: Metal accumulation in the Baltic Sea sediments: implications for environmental monitoring programs and mitigation actions The load of trace metals to Baltic Sea waters and their accumulation…
Project: Meet the fish! In the project “Meet the fish!” the Fish Migration Group collaborates with Kalmar municipality to promote the research on fish ecology in Kalmar. We execute a study where we…
Project: Mapping of the conditions for efficient remanufacturing of furniture used in public environments We want to increase the knowledge about circular economy and remanufacturing of furniture…
Project: Making the invisible visible: The role of representations in teaching and learning university physics and chemistry In this project, we are interested in how undergraduate physicists and…
Project: Kalmarsund Station (K-station) The Kalmarsund Station (K-station) is a coastal sampling station that is used to study the ecology and seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea. The…
Project: Interprofessional, student-run, primary Care clinics (I Care) This EU project targets the implementation of new tools and technologies, skills, innovative training and student internship,…
Project: Interprofessional student-run primary CARE clinics: A University-Enterprise Knowledge Triangle Cooperation Approach/ I CARE The project aims to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes that…
Project: Integrated approach for industrial wastewater and stormwater management in wood-industry sector This project mainly financed by KK-stiftelsen (Knowledge Foundation) was the platform for the…
Project: Innovative legume-based foods and drinks for enhanced resource use efficiency in food systems The purpose of this transsektionell research project is to develop climate-smart and healthy…
Project: In-line visual inspection using unsupervised learning The purpose of this project is to introduce and improve machine learning- assessment of the quality of massproduced industrial (steel)…
Project: Information, Coding, and Biological Function: the Dynamics of Life (DYNALIFE) The aim of the project is to contribute to emergence of two new scientific disciplines: molecular biology and…
Project: Incidence of Myopia and Risk Factors affecting the Progression of Myopia Myopia is becoming more common among children across all regions of the world, and the onset of myopia is occurring…
Project: Impacts of fishways and dispersal barriers on evolution, population dynamics and viability of spawning-migrating fish Many rivers and streams globally and in Sweden have been modified by dams…