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- Research
- Research project
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- Linnaeus University Centres
Project: Policing and crime prevention cooperation in border areas The starting point for this project is the stated goal that the Nordic region will be the world's most sustainable and integrated…
Seed project: Sustainable procurement in supply chains of companies The project examines to what extent organizations review their suppliers in relation to their societal and environmental impact and…
Project: Trust in Relations between Unions and Employers in Europe (True Europe) The purpose of the project is to explore and explain the bases, forms, and effects of trust in social partner relations…
Doctoral project: Who is alone? How is the loneliness of the elderly in the countryside constructed in the social services' speech, text and action My doctoral project is about making visible and…
Doctoral project: The crime prevention collaboration of the Swedish parole agency The project aims to both map the extent of the probation service's crime prevention agency cooperation, and to…
Project: The Police – a profession to care for The aim of this project is to investigate Swedish police officers and police students´ physical fitness and physical and mental health longitudinally and…
Project: Rethinking Hattie's list of student achievement Hattie's meta-study of student achievement has been impactful, but also heavily critiqued. In this project we will assess the quality of…
Project: What happened next? In this project, art and research meet. The project combines ethnological, artistic methods with mobile-based self-documentation to express the experiences of refugees…
Project: Moral stress and moral agency in Swedish eldercare This project investigates how and when moral agency can be mobilized in eldercare, where ethical dilemmas and moral stress are constantly…
Project: Reading interventions in the Swedish language for newly arrived immigrant adults The purpose of this project is to support newly arrived immigrants' written language skills in the Swedish…
Project: AgroDev The project aims to modernize agro-industry related higher education, thus promoting implementation and effective management of sustainable agro-food production systems in…
Project: New wine in new bottles: Preconditions for a modern civil defence This project aims at producing new knowledge about and better understanding of the preconditions to develop, strengthen and…
Project: Honour problematics investigated by Swedish social services The purpose of the project is to enhance the understanding of how social services and family legal services investigate and…
Project: Early coordinated initiatives for children who may be vulnerable to, or find themselves involved in, criminality The objective of this study is to discuss and analyze cooperation processes in…
Project: Alone but connected? This international project aims to deepen the understanding of the intersections between digitalisation and intergenerational care relationships among elderly living…
Project: Digitalization, Automation and Decarbonization (Barmetal) The European research project Barmetal seeks to analyse the current situation and opportunities for strengthening collective…
Project: Global social work and human mobility This EU project's main objective is to consolidate an international and inter-sectorial network of comparative and collaborative research and training on…
Doctoral project: Still going strong? The aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding on how men aged over 60 years experience ageing, the body and masculinity in the context of physical…