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Results 19-36 of 132
Doctoral project: Early detection of stress signals in Scotts pine (Pinus sylvestris) The goal of this project is to utilise digital tools to develop new scientific knowledge and create solutions for…
Doctoral project: Fire and rescue services and forestry in collaboration Within the project, two studies are carried out. The first study describes the individual private forest owners' experiences of…
Doctoral project: Raw material properties and process optimization for increased value-added wood flooring products The development of the wood industry relates to its capability for improvement of…
Doctoral project: Transition of forest carbon balance in young stands of Norway spruce II Measurements of the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide from the forest floor in…
Doctoral students presented their research at international wood symposium News
- Erika Olofsson ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Head of department
- +46 470-70 89 99
- +46 70-667 91 90
- erikaolofssonlnuse
Fertilisation unnecessary in oak forests planted on former agricultural land News
Forest Ecology and Ecophysiology The research field Forest Ecology and Ecophysiology focuses on nature conservation, soil ecology, nutrient dynamics in forests, ecophysiology, the water and carbon…
Forest Economics The research field Forest Economics encompasses all aspects of the forest value chain, focusing on sustainable forestry and the transition to a bio-based and circular economy.
Forest Management In the research field Forest Management, we address questions related to the sustainable use of forests, taking into account economic, social, and ecological aspects.
Forest Meetings The project Forest Meetings creates an open, safe, knowledge-based meeting place for discussions about one of the core futures issues - the forest. By meeting across disciplinary and…
Forest Products The Forest Products research field conducts cutting-edge research in forest-derived raw materials and side streams, to promote the utilization of renewable materials and contribute to…
Forestry and Wood Technology We carry out education and research within a broad scientific field, from forest to finished product and development of new wood products for construction and housing.
Forestry, Wood and Building Technologies Within the research area Forestry, Wood and Building Technologies, the objective of Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications…
- Frida Björcman Doctoral student
- +46 470-76 75 74
- fridabjorcmanlnuse
Growing need for research and innovation in the post Covid-19 world News
How to choose wood material for coated products to last longer News
How to make coated wood products last longer News