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Results 58339-58356 of 62622
- Trulsson, Å. (2018). Religiös ungdom i en sekulär vardag. Levd religion : Det heliga i vardagen. Lund, Nordic Academic Press. 151-166.
- Lutas, L. (2018). Representations of the Anthropocene in Narratives for Children. 2018 International Conference on Narrative : April 18 - 22, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- Thorley, J., Katlein, N., Goddard, K., Zöttl, M., Clutton-Brock, T. (2018). Reproduction triggers adaptive increases in body size in female mole-rats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 285 (1880).
- Brolin, R., Syrén, S., Rask, M., Sandgren, A., Brunt, D. (2018). Residents' perceptions of the most positive and negative aspects of the housing situation for people with psychiatric disabilities. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 32 (2). 603-611.
- Franco, T.A., Xu, P., Brito, N.F., Oliveira, D.S., Wen, X., et al. (2018). Reverse chemical ecology-based approach leading to the accidental discovery of repellents for Rhodnius prolixus, a vector of Chagas diseases refractory to DEET. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 103. 46-52.
- Brunow, D. (2018). [ Review of ] Tanja Thomas, Lina Brink, Elke Grittmann, Kaya de Wolff (Hg.): Anerkennung und Sichtbarkeit. Perspektiven für eine kritische Medienkulturforschung : Bielefeld: Transcript 2017 (Critical Studies in Media and Communication, Bd. 18), 258 S., ISBN 9783837640113, EUR 29,99. MEDIENwissenschaft Rezensionen | Reviews. Marburg, Philipps-Universität Marburg. (4). 386-387.
- Duggan, G., Hägerdal, H. (2018). Savu : History and Oral Tradition on an Island of Indonesia. Singapore, Singapore University Press.
- Torrents-Tico, M., Bennett, N.C., Jarvis, J.U.M., Zöttl, M. (2018). Sex differences in timing and context of dispersal in Damaraland mole-rats (Fukomys damarensis). Journal of Zoology. 306 (4). 252-257.
- Gustafsson, T., Larsson, M. (2018). Sexual violence, good taste and the education of the cinema audience : Gender and censorship in 1920s Sweden. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema. 8 (3). 215-232.
- Elsrud, T. (2018). Shuffling the deck of statements: Constructing coherent sentence stories from courtroom complexities. Global Challenges : Borders, Populism and the Postcolonial Condition - an international conference on critical theory, post coloniality, migration and populism..
- Kumar, A. (2018). Skilling and Its Histories : Labour Market, Technical Knowledge and the Making of Skilled Workers in Colonial India (1880-1910). Journal of South Asian Development. 13 (3). 249-271.
- Abudaya, M., Ulman, A., Salah, J., Fernando, D., Wor, C., et al. (2018). Speak of the devil ray (Mobula mobular) fishery in Gaza. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 28 (1). 229-239.
- Smith, E., Umans, T., Thomasson, A. (2018). Stages of PPP and principal–agent conflicts : the Swedish water and sewerage sector. Public Performance & Management Review. 41 (1). 100-129.
- Siegel, A. (2018). Superficial intersubjectivity in ELF university dormitory interactions. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca. 7 (2). 377-402.
- Alvunger, D. (2018). Teachers’ curriculum agency in teaching a standards-based curriculum. Curriculum Journal. 29 (4). 479-498.
- Salmose, N. (2018). The Apocalyptic Sublime: Anthropocene Representation and Environmental Agency in Hollywood Action-Adventure Cli-Fi Films. Journal of Popular Culture. 51 (6). 1415-1433.
- Davydov, R., Sokolov, M., Hogland, W., Glinushkin, A., Markaryan, A. (2018). The application of pesticides and mineral fertilizers in agriculture. MATEC Web of Conferences.
- Hörberg, U. (2018). 'The art of understanding in forensic psychiatric care' : from a caring science perspective based on a lifeworld approach. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 39 (9). 802-809.