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Results 59455-59472 of 63145
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- Carlsson, B., Frei, U., Köhl, M., Möller, K. (1992). Accelerated life testing of materials - Case study of some selective solar absorbers. Proc. of SEES/CEEES Eropean Conference: The Future Practice of Environmental Engineering in Product Development Oct.
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- Wikström, M., Ohlson, S. (1992). Computer Simulation of Weak Affinity Chromatography. Journal of Chromatography. 597. 83-92.
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- Brunsberg, U., Edfors-Lilja, I., Andersson, L., Gustafsson, K. (1996). Structure and organization of porcine MHC class II DRB genes: evidence for genetic exchange between loci. Immunogenetics. 44. 1-8.
- Vult Von Steyern, F., Josefsson, J., Tågerud, S. (1996). Rhodamine B, a fluorescent probe for acidic organelles in denervated skeletal muscle. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 44. 267-274.