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Results 61579-61596 of 62890
- Svensson, P.A. (2006). Female coloration, egg carotenoids and reproductive success gobies as a model system, PhD Thesis. Doctoral Thesis. Trondheim, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
- Magnusson, Å. (2006). Historien utställd : samiskt på museum. Historieforskning på nya vägar. Nordic Academic Press. 45-56.
- Khrennikov, A. (2006). Logical approach to p-adic probabilities. Bulletin of the Section of Logic. 35/1. 49-57.
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- Khrennikov, A. (2006). On ultrametricity and a symmetry between Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Systems.. Proceedings 2-nd Int. Conf. on P-adic Mathematical Physics, Belgrade, Serbia. 55-64.
- Khrennikov, A., Adenier, G. (2006). Proceedings of Conference Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations-3. American Institute of Physics. 1-580.
- Khrennikov, A. (2006). Pseudo-differential operators in the p-adic Lizorkin space. Proceedings 2-nd Int. Conf. on P-adic Mathematical Physics, Belgrade, Serbia. 195-205 ,.
- Khrennikov, A. (2006). Quantum equilibria for macroscopic systems. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 39. 8461-8475.
- Khrennikov, A. (2006). Quantum mechanics as an asymptotic projection of statistical mechanics of classical fields.. Quantum theory: reconsideration of foundations---3. 179.
- Khrennikov, A. (2006). Symplectic geometry on the Hilbert phase space and foundations of quantum mechanics.. Proceedings of the International Conference Modeling of Wave Phenomena. 324-343.
- Khrennikov, A. (2006). Tauberian theorems for p-adic distributions. Integral Transforms and Special Functions. 17 (N 02-03). 141.
- Kostera, M. (2006). The narrative collage as research method. Storytelling, Self, Society. 2 (2).
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- Hosokawa, Y., Yamada, K., Johannesson, B., Nilsson, L. (2006). Thermodynamic Modeling of Phase Changes in Neutralization Reactions Using PHREEQC. International RILEM Workshop on Performance Based Evaluation and Indicators for Concrete Durability. 127-133.
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- Khrennikov, A. (2006). Von Neumann uniqueness theorem doesn't hold in hyperbolic quantum Mechanics. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 45 (10). 1869-1890.
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