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Results 61633-61650 of 62890
- Joelsson, A., Gustavsson, L. (2008). Implementation of Energy efficiency in residential areas - public policies versus energy suppliers. First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, Proceedings Vols 1-3. 2070-2077.
- Högberg, A. (2008). Kulturmiljöpedagogik med nuet i fokus. NCK:s vårkonferens 2008: kulturarvspedagogik i Norden : konferensrapport. 13-21.
- Andreasson, J. (2008). Kön och åldrande. .
- Hjorth, D., Olaison, L. (2008). Lärande som entreprenöriell process. Tværfaglighed & entrepreneurship : en antologi om tværfaglighed i entrepreneurshipundervisningen. Köpenhamn, IDEA København og Øresund Entrepreneurship Academy. 40-50.
- Joelsson, A., Gustavsson, L. (2008). Multi-storey Wood Buildings in a Life Cycle Primary Energy Perspective. First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, Proceedints Vols 1-3. 255-262.
- Myrvold, K. (2008). Personifying the Sikh Scripture : Ritual Processions of the Guru Granth Sahib in India. South Asian Religions on Display : Religious Processions in South Asia and in the Diaspora. Routledge. 140-156.
- Zineldin, M. (2008). Strategic co-operation and sustainable economic integration: : the crisis of Arab/Islamic countries in the era of globalisation. Business Excellence and Competitiveness in the Middle East and North Africa. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
- Robert, K., Mohammad, A., Marie, J., Roberto, C. (2008). Strengthening timber with CFRP or steel plates - short and long-term performance. WCTE 2008 – The 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Bill, F., Lena, O. (2008). The Enigma of the Incubus paradox: : Upsetting the SME support practice?. . 13.
- Zineldin, M., Camgöz-Akdağ, H. (2008). The Quality of Health Care and Patient Satisfaction: : An exploratory investigation of the 5Qs model at Republic of Kazakhstan. Proceeding of the 8th C&C International Conference : 8th C&C International confernce: Health care quality management-19-21 July-Stockholm.
- Bruhn, J. (2008). Tristan Transformed. Bodies and Media in the Historical Transformation of the Tristan and Isolde-Myth. Changing Borders. Contemporary Positions in Intermediality. Lund Intermedia Press. 20.
- Nordin, A., Ekstrand, B. (2008). What about gender in research on lifelong learning and adult education?. .
- Zineldin, M., Vasicheva, V., Camgoz Akdag, H. (2009). 5Qs Model, Higher Education and Student Satisfaction : A Case study in Turkey. 12 International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences (ICQSS) : University of Verona, Italy , 27-29 August 2009.
- Bruhn, J. (2009). A Bakhtinian Reading of Torso. .
- Fur, G. (2009). A Nation of Women. : Gender and Colonial Encounters Among the Delaware Indians.. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Zineldin, M. (2009). A romantic co-opittion for peaceful business development and innovation.
- Svensson, P.A. (2009). Adaptations and strategies for paternal care in a desert-dwelling fish. . .
- Gustavsson, L. (2009). Adoption of energy-efficient windows and improved attic insulation in Swedish detached houses. World Sustainable Energy Days 2009, 25-27 February, Wels, Austria.