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Results 62461-62478 of 62890
- Sandell, M., Lagrosen, S. (2007). Relationship marketing in the fitness field : a Bourdieu-inspired study. .
- Schömer, E., Staaf, A., Zanderin, L. (2007). Rätten att säga det som tänks eller mänskliga rättigheter i ett intersektionellt perspektiv. Mänskliga rättigheter i svensk belysning. Malmö, Liber förlag. 95-113.
- Hallgren, H. (2007). (Sk)riv - för en ny värld : Hanna Hallgren om att bryta normer för kvalitetens skull. Aftonbladet Kultur, 2007-04-25 Sida 4#5.
- Thörnqvist, T. (2007). The chain related to wooden products from the forset to the end-user.. Cost Action E44 - Wood Processing Strategy.
- Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Allwood, C.M. (2007). The influence of temporal distance on moral judgment and reasoning. .
- Jonsson, P., Forslund, H. (2007). The performance management process concerning on-time delivery : State-of-the-art description and perceived performance. Proceedings from the 4th International conference on performance measurement and management control.
- Kaczala, F., Marques, M., Hogland, W. (2007). The Use of Respirometry for the evaluation of an Industrial Wastewater toxicity over activated sludge.. University of Kalmar Volume I.
- Kaczala, F., Marques, M., Hogland, W. (2007). The use of Respirometry for the Evaluation of an Industrial Wastewater Toxicity over Activated Sludge. University of Kalmar II.
- Kaczala, F., Marques, M., Hogland, W. (2007). Toxicity of an Industrial Wastewater withFormaldehyde. Effects over Activated SludgeToxicity of an Industrial Wastewater withFormaldehyde. Effects over Activated Sludge. 24º Congresso Brasileiro deEngenharia Sanitária e Ambiental - ABES. Belo Horizonte/MG- Brazil24º Congresso Brasileiro deEngenharia Sanitária e Ambiental - ABES. Belo Horizonte/MG- Brazil.
- Thörnqvist, T. (2007). Vem står för skogsägarnas rotnetto?. 14.
- Thorén, K., Ulmestig, R., Köhler, P. (2008). Activation Policies in Sweden: : “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue”. Bringing the jobless into work : Experiences with Activation Schemes in Europe and the US. Springer -Verlag Berlin.
- Wångmar, E. (2008). Administrativa gränser kontra brandförsvaret.
- Nammari, D.R., Kriipsalu, M., Marques, M., Hogland, W. (2008). An Integrated Monitoring System for Optimisation of Biopile Composting.. Proceedings on CD ROM.
- Hogland, W., Kriipsalu, M., Nammari, D., Hogland, M. (2008). An integrated monitoring system for optimization of biopile composting..
- Hallgren, H. (2008). BANG! : Hanna Hallgren läser en ung stjärnjournalist som fick ont i öronen i Berlin. Barbro Alvings dagbok från Berlinolympiaden 1936. Aftonbladet Kultur, 2008-04-22 Sida 4.
- Lönnermark, A., Persson, H., Blomqvist, P., Hogland, W. (2008). Biobränslen och avfall – brandsäkerhet i samband med lagring (Biofuels and solid waste – fire safety in connection with storage). Borås, Prestudy and preparation of research programme for BRANDFORSK (project 808-08). 80.
- Granlund, J., Brandt, A. (2008). Bus Drivers Exposure to Mechanical Shocks Due to Speed Bumps. 26th IMAC : Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2008: IMAC XXVI.
- Engberg, A.E., Rosengren-Holmberg, J., Nicholls, I.A., Nilsson Ekdahl, K. (2008). Development of novel biomaterial surfaces and evaluation of their hemocompatibility*. Journal of Molecular Immunology 45.