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- Linnaeus University Centres
Project: Equal health care The project studied equality within cardiac arrest care with consideration to ethnicity, age, gender, and socioeconomic background.
Project: Biomaterial-induced thromboinflammation – pathophysiological mechanisms in human whole blood upon contact with artificial materials We aim to characterize the biological reactions that take…
Project: Housing and residential development for increased growth (Boost) The Boost project has its starting point in building and living with glass and wood construction. The aim is to develop and…
Project: Control of forest insect pests; Antifeedants for the pine weevil; Hylobius abietis We have identified organic anti-gnawing compounds that can protect pine and spruce seedlings from being…
Environmental Geochemistry Our research group consists of environmental scientists working with issues related to environmental geochemistry, which is the study of how chemical processes and flows in…
Project: Regional development in welfare technology and e-health services in cooperation (RUVeS) The project RUVeS is managed by the eHealth Institute at Linnaeus university, Sweden, in cooperation…
Project: Quality Control and Purification for New Biological Drugs (BIO-QC) The BIO-QC project will develop new materials and processes for quality control of pharmaceuticals derived from so-called…
Project: Peacebuilding amidst ongoing violence: The Contribution of the Swedish Police Training Program to Sustainable Peace in Colombia The project evaluates the training program for Colombia's…
Project: Drone measurement for the intelligent forest We are to develop a system for collection of forestry information with drones that fly in the forest below the canopy. Based on video recording,…
Research in Eyes, Vision and Optometry (REVO group) REVO is a multidisciplinary research group investigating aspects of vision and eye care.
Project: Strength grading of structural timber and glued laminated timber by laser scanning and three-dimensional structural modeling This project aims in particular at development of an accurate…
Project: Local fibre orientation in Norway spruce timber and its significance for the timber's properties This project aims at increased knowledge of fibre orientation in the close surroundings of…
Educational Linguistics The Educational Linguistics research group brings together researchers in Linguistics and in Language Education, focusing on the theme ‘language (in) education’ (see Hult,…
Project: Contamination of water resources in southern Sweden by iron and aluminium Contamination of water resources by metals is a matter of concern in areas where acid sulphate soils exist. Our…
Project: Experimental cultural heritage and entrepreneurship The research project “Experimental cultural heritage and entrepreneurship” studies and analyses the role and development of cultural…
Project: War sociology – renewed analysis of ethnographic material from Bosnia This project analyses verbally depicted experiences of survivors from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Project: Successful collaboration Previous collaboration research shows that problems and conflicts sometimes arise as a part of collaboration. This project analysed successful cooperation.
Project: School success for newly arrived students: possibilities, obstacles, identities and collaboration This project will fill knowledge gaps about the situations of newly arrived children and…