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- Computer and Information Sciences (139)
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- Swedish/Nordic languages (21)
- Teaching and learning in French as a second language (1)
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- Media Studies and Journalism (7)
- Natural Science (170)
- Pedagogics and Educational Sciences (81)
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- Social Sciences (162)
- Statistics/Econometrics (2)
- Technology (173)
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- Linnaeus University Centres
Project: Research and School development This project was finished in 2013. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Jan Håkansson Funding organizations: Skolverket and…
Project: Learning Schools - Systematic School Improvement This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Jan Håkansson, Carl-Henrik Adolfsson, Anna…
Project: Theory-based evaluation of the national curriculum Lgr 11 This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Ninni Wahlström Funding organizations: IFAU…
Project: Reviews of educational research: epistemological, social and political effects This project was finished in 2017. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg (Lnu), Ingemar Bohlin,…
Project: Understanding Curiculum Reforms Project Members: Daniel Sundberg, Ninni Wahlström Funding Organizations: Vetenskapsrådet Timeframe: 2015 - 2018 Faculty/Department: Faculty of Social…
Studies in Curriculum, Teaching and Evaluation (SITE) The Linnaeus-SITE research group incorporates longstanding and inter-related strands of inquiry within the field Pedagogy and Educational Science.
Project: Closing the Life Cycle of Landfills Landfill Mining in the Baltic Sea Region for the future.
The Molecular motor and bionano-group We employ mathematical modelling and experimental studies of isolated proteins from skeletal muscle and heart.
International Center for Mathematical Modeling ICMM is a centre for research in mathematical modelling, applicable within a number of different subjects and fields. Since 2000, the research group has…
Computational Chemistry and Biochemistry Group We use computer simulations to better understand how biologically-relevant and other interesting molecules behave. By using computer modelling and…
Data Intensive Software Technologies and Applications (DISTA) The research group Data Intensive Software Technologies and Applications studies data-driven approaches, such as machine learning,…
Centre for Ageing and Lifecourse Studies A life course perspective: Center for Ageing and Lifecourse Studies look at factors that affect persons to continue to be actively involved in civil society or…
Waves, Signals and Systems The research in waves, signals and systems deals primarily with acoustic and electromagnetic direct and inverse problems, with engineering and industrial applications.
Fish Ecology Baltic coastal populations of predatory fish, mainly perch and pike, has been greatly reduced in recent decades. Underlying causes can be altered food webs, competition and disrupted…
Evolutionary Ecology The overriding aim of evolutionary ecology research is to enhance our knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of genetic, functional, ecological and evolutionary mechanisms…
Metaphors in palliative cancer care This project aims to strengthen the scientific foundation for the use of metaphors in Swedish palliative cancer care, thereby contributing to development of praxis…
Information and Software Visualization (ISOVIS) The research group Information and Software Visualization mainly focuses on the explorative analysis and visualization of large and complex information…
Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) The Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) is an interdisciplinary research centre that takes a…