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Results 559-576 of 806
- Research project
- Research
Project: Definitions of successful intelligence and operational police work This project will analyse how the police, border guards and coastguard define successful intelligence and operational police…
Project: Decreased ideological polarization and conflict in Western Europe? (DIPAC) In this project, we are studying whether the dominant thesis on decreased ideological polarization – that the…
Project: Dealing with risk in a maritime context Risk as a concept includes both objective/engineering and subjective/societal approaches and is the bedrock of policy-making within maritime spatial…
Project: Data-driven condition assessment of gravel roads for sustainable maintenance The project aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the condition assessment of gravel roads to…
Project: Daddy, daddy, child: Linguistic negotiation of family, parenthood and relations in conversations between children and adults This project was concluded in 2016. Project information Project…
Project: Culturally Diverse Top Management Team in Swedish Corporations Facts about the project Project Manager Timurs Umans Project Members Timurs Umans (Lnu), Karl Wennberg and Johanna Sylvander…
Project: Cultivating Information, Organizing Culture The project aims at establishing a cross-disciplinary, international research network focused on issues concerning classification, culture and new…
Project: CT scanning and the influence of knots in structural timber This project aimed to conduct a comprehensive analysis of wood material at a micro-scale level, using computer tomography.…
Project: Crossroads – two longidudinal studies of choices and values in teachers' work trajectories How do teachers retain their commitment and ideals in the profession over time? What crossroads are…
Project: Crossing Narrative Boundaries: Film and the Other Media This project analyzes novel and creative approaches in film and mediality at large. We aim to contribute to the reflection on media…
Project: Critical research in sport, health and physical education: Are we making a difference? The prime aim of this project, is to examine the influence of critical scholarship and critical theory…
Project: Crisis, conflict and climate — societal change in Scandinavia 300–700 CE In this project, archaeologists are studying a period in Scandinavia's history, which is characterized by climate…
Project: Crime victimization and safety survey Surveys where the public is asked about exposure to crime, insecurity and trust in the police are important in the local crime prevention and…
Project: Creep behaviour of environmental-friendly wood panels under different service class situations The project aims at exploring fundamentals related to creep behaviour of environmental-friendly…
Project: Cooperation for competence provision The project intends to study and develop how vocational training courses with local anchoring can be designed to generate academic training for students…
Project: Cooperation education The project's overall goal is therefore to meet companies' challenges within competence, innovation and gender equality through a structured, proven and documented…
Project: Control of forest insect pests; Antifeedants for the pine weevil; Hylobius abietis We have identified organic anti-gnawing compounds that can protect pine and spruce seedlings from being…
Project: Contamination of water resources in southern Sweden by iron and aluminium Contamination of water resources by metals is a matter of concern in areas where acid sulphate soils exist. Our…