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Results 1-18 of 23
- Felicia Stenberg Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 86 92
- feliciastenberglnuse
Project: Future Food Cultures in the Anthropocene The dominant global diet is a major contributor to the climate crisis. A transformation faces considerable practical problems, but is also a major…
Project: Global and postcolonial comics This project investigates contemporary developments in comics and graphic novels from a global perspective, with a focus on issues of identity and migration.…
Project: Young Southern Speculatives: New Decolonialisms in the Capitalocene This project identifies a new eco-speculative strand of world literature written by young authors from the Global South –…
Project: Power structures and resistance in 1900s and 2000s novels from the north of Sweden This project deals with a number of Swedish authors and texts that thematise and combine issues on…
- Johan Höglund Professor
- +46 480-44 73 71
- +46 73-036 09 59
- johanhoglundlnuse
Project: Materialising Violence: Speculative Fiction and New Cultures of Resistance from Sub-Saharan Africa This project considers representations of socio-economic and -ecological violence in…
- Gunnel Cederlöf Professor
- +46 470-70 89 31
- gunnelcederloflnuse
- Mike Classon Frangos Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 96
- mikeclassonfrangoslnuse
- Martin van der Linden Doctoral student
- martinvanderlindenlnuse
- Beatriz Carlsson Pecharroman Doctoral student
- beatrizcarlssonpecharromanlnuse
- Elliott Berggren Doctoral student
- elliottberggrenlnuse
- Rebecca Duncan Associate Professor
- rebeccaduncanlnuse
- Emily Hanscam Researcher
- emilyhanscamlnuse
LNUC Concurrences Member Rebecca Duncan awarded the Justin D. Edwards Prize News
New Cluster for Ecology, Culture and Coloniality (ECCo) News
- Kiel Ramos Suarez Doctoral student
- kielramossuarezlnuse
Project: The Circulation of Ideas between Gender Theories and Literary and Artistic Works in Maghrebi Texts in the Wake of the Arab Springs About the project Project manager Kirsten Husung The aim of…