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Results 37-54 of 144
Project: Climate change effects over the lifecycle of a building In this project, we documented the current state of scientific knowledge on the climate change effects of buildings from a lifecycle…
Project: Climate impacts of wood vs. non-wood buildings from lifecycle perspective The outcome of this project was a comprehensive review of existing literature on energy and climate implications of…
Third-cycle (doctoral) programme in building technology Curious to do research in the subject of building technology? We offer opportunities for research for both doctoral students and industrial…
Building physics Building physics is one of the research fields within the subject of building technology. Our research consists of two main fields: Building energy simulation and life cycle modelling…
Composite elements and hybrid structures Composite elements and hybrid structures are the youngest research field of the Department of Building Technology. The focus of this research is to combine…
- Boel Holmstedt Adjunct teacher
- boelholmstedtlnuse
- Carl Thelin Adjunct professor
- carlthelinlnuse
Smart Housing Småland Smart Housing Småland is building an internationally leading innovation environment that, focused on the user, creates smart housing and sustainable built environment based on…
Project: Smart Cities – Ready project The Ready project is a five year (2014-2019) international research project financed by the European Commission, focusing on implementing advanced energy…
Project: Wood based energy systems from Nordic forests (Enerwoods) The goal of this project was to combine energy systems and biological systems to optimise the complete bioenergy chain, considering…
Project: Wood in Carbon Efficient Construction (€CO2) The €CO2 was a European project focusing on carbon efficient construction and the role of wood.
Project: Strength grading of structural timber and glued laminated timber by laser scanning and three-dimensional structural modeling This project aims in particular at development of an accurate…
Project: Attractive living environment in wooden residential buildings This project seeks to investigate the role of wood as related to positive effects on well-being and attractiveness in wooden…
Project: Moisture and time dependent properties of South Swedish hardwood for load bearing structures This project aims at testing the long-term load bearing capacity and deformations of birch and…
Doctoral project: Connections and compression perpendicular to the grain in cross-laminated timber The main aim of the project is to predict in a combined experimental-numerical study the mechanical…
Project: Competitive timber structures – Resource efficiency and climate benefits along the wood value chain through engineering design Through increasing scientific knowledge along the wood…
Project: Long-term mechanical behavior of dowel connections in timber structures as the basis for an extended service life and reuse The project aims at gaining more knowledge on the long-term…
Project: Visualization and Exploration Flexiboard for Timber Buildings (TimberVis) Within the collaboration between InfraVis, the national research infrastructure for data visualization, and the…