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Results 55-72 of 144
Doctoral project: Modelling of modular-based multi-storey timber buildings This doctoral project aims to establish efficient and flexible finite element models that will be used to analyse the…
Project: Detection of defects on wood surfaces on the basis of optical scanning The purpose of this research project is to gain increased knowledge and a better understanding of how different wood…
Project: Performance prediction of a biobased product The aim of the project was to develop a prediction tool for laminated veneer products, to improve product performance by reducing rejects and…
- Marie Johansson Professor
- +46 470-70 82 99
- +46 73-040 54 32
- mariejohanssonlnuse
- Migena Sula Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 86 75
- migenasulalnuse
- Brijesh Mainali Associate professor
- +46 470-70 82 21
- brijeshmainalilnuse
- Michael Dorn Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 81 56
- michaeldornlnuse
- Georgios Pardalis
- georgiospardalislnuse
- Jan Oscarsson
- janoscarssonlnuse
- Min Hu Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 67
- +46 72-246 45 03
- minhulnuse
Building technology Building technology is a very broad area of technology. It is about the knowledge needed to be able to build up most of what you see in the physical environment of our community:…
New report on the potential to reduce carbon emissions in the construction sector News
- Björn Johannesson Professor
- +46 470-70 86 83
- +46 73-062 94 14
- bjornjohannessonlnuse
- Samuel Palmblad Adjunct teacher
- samuelpalmbladlnuse
Doctoral students presented their research at international wood symposium News
To databaseSIS standards Subject: Technology etc. | Type: Standards More info
To databaseDe Gruyter Subject: General/Multidisciplinary | Type: Articles More info
To databaseEmerald journals Subject: Business and Economics etc. | Type: Articles, E-books More info