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Results 1-18 of 48
Successful Baltic Sea Region/Emerging markets and China Day 2019 News
Impact of top cited paper by Soniya Billore and Tatiana Anisimova News
New journal Art, Culture & Entrepreneurship News
Xiang Yu received his PhD from Stockholm University News
The university's new professors lecture about their research News
Linnaeus University and the School of Business and Economics become accredited by AACSB News
Baltic Sea Region/Emerging Markets & China Day News
Project: Food waste – from non-question to question in focus During the last decade, food waste has gone from being a non-question to an environmental question in focus, in society in general as well…
International Strategy Studies Due to the changing nature of global economy it is crucial to study development of firms’ international strategies that would guide successful actions in international…
Project: Innovative communication of sacred places for attractive tourism in the Baltic region – Time Machine (TM) The purpose of the project is to investigate the conditions for using our common…
Project: Leadership as existential challenge This project investigates leadership as existential challenge, as a particular state of ’being in the world’.
Project: Dressing for competence The focus of this project is on the embodied dimensions of knowledge work, i.e. how knowledge workers use and adapt how they look and dress in order to create trust in…
Project: Experimental cultural heritage and entrepreneurship The research project “Experimental cultural heritage and entrepreneurship” studies and analyses the role and development of cultural…
Project: Wellbeing Tourism in the South Baltic Region – Guidelines for Good Practices & Promotion Facts about the project Project manager: Lali Lindell Project members at Linnaeus University:…
Project: Circular ecopreneurs Circular ecopreneurs are entrepreneurs that aim to solve environmental issues. Through their business models they aim to create a more resource efficient society.
- Maria Mårtensson Hansson Professor
- +46 470-76 74 99
- +46 70-790 87 38
- mariamartenssonhanssonlnuse
How industry can transform towards Circular Business Models News
Baltic Sea Region/Emerging Markets & China Day News