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Results 1-18 of 21
Young people’s thoughts about the future News
Visiting researcher with a focus on sustainability and wellbeing News
Centre for Applied Heritage Applied heritage is about the potential of heritage to transform society. The Centre for Applied Heritage at Linnaeus University aims at advancing academic research and…
- Karin Larsson Eriksson Professor
- +46 470-76 75 14
- karinerikssonlnuse
- Liv Nilsson Stutz Professor
- +46 480-44 61 98
- livnilssonstutzlnuse
- Lena Liepe Professor
- +46 470-76 72 15
- lenaliepelnuse
- Niklas Ammert Professor, pro vice-chancellor
- +46 480-44 64 76
- +46 76-644 64 76
- niklasammertlnuse
Project: Heritage Futures Heritage Futures will employ innovative interdisciplinary arts and humanities based research methods to understand a range of practices which are undertaken across a number…
Project: Increasing future awareness in the Cultural Heritage sector, using the SoPHIA model Can we develop the SoPHIA model to make cultural heritage management become better at anticipating changing…
Project: Samburu rock art – a unique cultural heritage The overall aim of this project was to document and convey the unique and still ongoing tradition of creating petroglyphs among the Samburu in…
- Gustav Wollentz Senior lecturer
- gustavwollentzlnuse
GRASCA – graduate school in contract archaeology The Graduate School in Contract Archaeology (GRASCA) is a research school for Swedish contract archaeology. Since 2015, nine doctoral students have…
- Peter Aronsson vice-chancellor
- Cornelius Holtorf Professor
- +46 480-44 64 42
- corneliusholtorflnuse
- Bodil Petersson Professor, dean
- +46 480-44 73 72
- +46 72-594 96 41
- bodilpeterssonlnuse
- Peter Skoglund Professor
- +46 480-44 61 21
- +46 72-594 94 05
- petermskoglundlnuse
Linnaeus University gets the world´s first UNESCO Chair in Heritage Futures News
Project: The Materiality of Education and Social Learning within the Evolution of Mankind The aim with the project is to generate new understanding of the role played by the materiality of education…