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Results 1-18 of 20
- Romain Herault Lecturer
- romainheraultlnuse
- Rebecka Green Lecturer
- +46 470-70 87 01
- rebeckagreenlnuse
Project: Digital Competence in Teacher Training in the Nordic Countries (Dicomten) The purpose of this project is to establish a new Nordic network about the promotion, practice and development of…
Project: The research school Upgrade The research school Upgrade – teacher education and the digitalization of the school system is a national research school in which nine Swedish universities work…
Project: Science4Girls This project intends to design and implement learning activities withing the theme of climate change that encourage girls to enroll in science, technology, engineering, and…
Project: Extending design thinking with emerging digital technologies (Exten.D.T.2) The core ideas of the project rest on the assumption that design thinking combined with emerging technologies such…
Project: The graduate school Learning, interacting, and knowing in a digitalised world (LIKED) The graduate school LIKED (Learning, interacting, and knowing in a digitalised world) is a joint venture…
- Barbro Tyrberg Lecturer
- +46 470-70 87 53
- barbrotyrberglnuse
- Ali Hamidi doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 91
- alihamidilnuse
SEK 32 million to a new project for innovative educational and technical solutions for the school News
Robots and collaboration are keys to teaching in programming in schools in the future News
Computational Thinking and Coding Skills in Schools (CoCoS) The Computational Thinking and Coding Skills in Schools research group deals with research, teaching and courses for skills development of…
- Marcelo Milrad Professor
- +46 470-70 87 25
- +46 73-396 95 74
- marcelomilradlnuse
- Alisa Lincke Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 15
- alisalinckelnuse
- Rafael Zerega Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 23
- rafaelzeregalnuse
Project: Enriched Reality for Education and Digital Well-Being (EREDWeB) This project explores the potential of state-of-the-art virtual reality technology for teaching, aiming at digital well-being.…
- Katrin Lindwall Lecturer
- +46 470-70 89 33
- katrinlindwalllnuse
- Ahmed Mohammed Postdoctoral research fellow
- ahmedmohammedexternlnuse