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Results 19-36 of 51
Three industrial doctoral students will present their research at AI conference News
International project to attract more young people to science and research News
The SciChallenge project was presented at a Vinnova meeting News
The first doctoral student at Data Intensive Sciences and Applications is in place News
- Niels Gundermann
- nielsgundermannlnuse
- Joel Cramsky
- joelcramskylnuse
Wanted: Four industrial doctoral students with a focus on data-intensive applications News
- Mathias Hedenborg Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 38
- +46 76-760 36 65
- mathiashedenborglnuse
- Manoranjan Kumar
- manoranjankumarlnuse
- Tobias Ohlsson Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 77 08
- tobiasohlssonlnuse
- Tibo James Liam Bruneel
- tibojamesliambruneellnuse
Project: SciChallenge Using digital technologies and social media, the SciChallenge project will create a competition to engage more young people in Europe in the areas of natural science, technology…
Project: HPC for SME The aim of the project is to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Linnaeus region with the opportunity to enhance their data-driven capabilities with the…
Doctoral project: Document Classification and Entity Extraction Many aspects of accounting present difficulties in achieving full automation due to the abundance of unstructured information, such as…
Doctoral project: Enhancing MLOps architectures for efficient integration, deployment and inference of AI Models in diverse industrial settings This project focuses on advancing MLOps architectures to…
- Dag Björnberg
- dagbjornberglnuse
- Nemi Pelgrom
- nemipelgromlnuse
- Rakhshanda Jabeen
- rakhshandajabeenlnuse