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Results 181-198 of 251
- Joacim Rosenlund Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 13
- joacimrosenlundlnuse
Deep biosphere microbes expand the chemical signatures of life News
A new method for dating ancient earthquakes and rock fracturing News
Bacteria genes help researchers keep track of human environmental impact in oceans News
Professor Marie-José Gaillard awarded in China News
Linnaeus University Stable Isotope Laboratory We identify and quantify gases and liquids in different types of samples and perform stable isotopic analyses of carbon (d13C), hydrogen (dD), oxygen…
- Yahya Jani Researcher
- yahyajanilnuse
Hanna’s road to the rodents in the Kalahari Desert News
Climate change in the Arctic: Last summer’s expedition maps out the fundamentals of the food web News
- Nikolaj Gubonin Doctoral student
- nikolajguboninlnuse
Vegetation and climate history in focus for new honorary doctor News
Jarone Pinhassi appointed Wallenberg Scholar – receives grant for research on the ability of marine bacteria to utilise sunlight News
Increased amount of methane gas expected to be released from seafloor as oceans get warmer due to climate change News
- Jonas Nilsson Researcher
- +46 480-44 73 12
- jonasnilssonlnuse
- Junhong Jia Doctoral student
- junhongjialnuse
“The nastiest soils on earth” are becoming a bigger problem News
Stressed bacteria struggle to adapt to temperature changes News
Pollutants from Old Glassworks Affect Groundwater Less Than Expected News