Search results
Results 127-144 of 252
- Sabina Arnautovic Laboratory engineer
- +46 480-44 62 63
- sabinaarnautoviclnuse
- Stefan Tobiasson Project manager
- +46 480-44 73 46
- stefantobiassonlnuse
- Songjun Li Doctoral student
- +46 480-49 70 15
- +46 70-211 63 08
- songjunlilnuse
- Johanna Exner Doctoral student
- johannaexnerlnuse
- Carolin Peter Doctoral student
- +46 480-44 67 39
- carolinpeterlnuse
- Christian Furbo Reeder Postdoctoral Fellow
- christianfurbo-reederlnuse
Project: Integrated approach for industrial wastewater and stormwater management in wood-industry sector This project mainly financed by KK-stiftelsen (Knowledge Foundation) was the platform for the…
Project: Picocyanobacteria, significant primary producers but largely overlooked players in coastal waters Tiny single-celled photosynthetic bacteria, picocyanobacteria, contribute significantly to…
Project: Production and consumption of the greenhouse gas methane in the crystalline bedrock This project is about formation and consumption (anaerobic oxidation) of the greenhouse gas methane in one…
Free-flowing river stretches more important for vital fish populations than previously thought News
SEK 15.5 million to study the role of the Swedish oak in the climate transition News
Marcelo is on expedition in the Mediterranean Sea to study how gas in the ocean floor can trigger a tsunami News
Joacim Rosenlund thinks circularly News
New, active viruses found at depths of over 400 meters News
Deep bedrock mineral veins are microbial graveyards News
Project: Contamination of water resources in southern Sweden by iron and aluminium Contamination of water resources by metals is a matter of concern in areas where acid sulphate soils exist. Our…
Project: Syntrophy and symbiosis as mechanisms for growth and survival in deep terrestrial biosphere fracture systems Despite being separated from the sun’s energy, life exists deep underground in…
Project: VanProd - Innovation for Enhanced Production of Vanadium from Waste Streams in the Nordic Region Vanadium is an important element for industry and despite its projected increased consumption,…