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Results 37-54 of 57
- Pär Stihl Expert
- parstihllnuse
Project: A valid police (education) Like many other countries that have already academised police education – not least other Nordic countries – Sweden had both the political will and far-reaching…
Project: Crime victimization and safety survey Surveys where the public is asked about exposure to crime, insecurity and trust in the police are important in the local crime prevention and…
Project: Honour problematics investigated by Swedish social services The purpose of the project is to enhance the understanding of how social services and family legal services investigate and…
Project: Listen to us! An interview study with and about female guardians of network criminals The purpose of the project is to research the health of women who are parents or legal guardians of young…
Project: Peacebuilding amidst ongoing violence: The Contribution of the Swedish Police Training Program to Sustainable Peace in Colombia The project evaluates the training program for Colombia's…
Project: Policing and crime prevention cooperation in border areas The starting point for this project is the stated goal that the Nordic region will be the world's most sustainable and integrated…
Project: Policing democracy (Poldem) during political manifestations The purpose of the project is to develop theory-based understandings of how democratic values are learned in public institutions,…
Project: Power and control in secure care for young people The aim of this project is to analyse the scope and variation over time of restrictive measures at secure care institutions, and how this is…
Project: The institution of concern – a compulsory encounter between police and social services in times of change The present project examines how the police assess and communicate concerns during…
Project: The Police – a profession to care for The aim of this project is to investigate Swedish police officers and police students´ physical fitness and physical and mental health longitudinally and…
Research at the faculty of social sciences The faculty of social sciences carries out research within gender studies, peace and development studies, pedagogy, police science, political science,…
- Robert Andersson Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 32
- +46 70-618 05 03
- robertlanderssonlnuse
- Roddy Nilsson Senior professor
- roddynilssonlnuse
- Rosita Bergkvist Lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 02
- +46 70-224 70 64
- rositabergkvistlnuse
- Sara Denward Lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 83
- +46 70-615 79 74
- saradenwardlnuse
Swedish researchers develop a multi-lingual Avatar for professionals to interview children in crisis News
The university's new professors lecture about their research News