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Results 55-72 of 122
Project: A new location-independent entrepreneurship in rural areas The overall aim of this project is to, in cooperation with municipalities in rural areas, investigate the conditions for rural…
Project: Gender equality and diversity policies in Nordic universities – what works? In this project we collect data on gender equality and diversity policies on national level and in universities and…
Project: Sexual harassment from patients and care recipients How the students who train as assistant nurses, and mainly will work in home care and elderly care, in their educations are prepared for…
Project: Technical colleges and health and social care colleges as makers of local vocational education and training curricula The purpose of the project is to explore how the curricula of vocational…
Conditions for higher education study: the perspectives of prospective students from rural areas News
How does the study counsellor's work situation and collaboration with other teachers affect the learning of new arrivals? News
- Josephine Sandberg Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 83 15
- josephinesandberglnuse
- Jonathan Lilliedahl ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
- +46 470-70 84 82
- jonathanlilliedahllnuse
- Helena Enmarker Lecturer
- +46 480-49 70 41
- +46 70-239 05 77
- helenaenmarkerlnuse
- Bodil Jullesson Adjunct teacher
- bodiljullessonlnuse
- Åsa Morin Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 84 03
- asamorinlnuse
- Ragnar Olsson Lecturer
- +46 480-44 69 84
- ragnarolssonlnuse
The university's new professors lecture about their research News
- Sara Johansson Lopez Doctoral student
- +46 470-76 70 39
- sarajohanssonlopezlnuse
- Kerstin Hansson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 67
- kerstinhanssonlnuse
- Ulla-Karin Nordänger Professor
- +46 480-44 67 58
- +46 70-381 77 33
- ulla-karinnordangerlnuse
- Gunilla Rosendahl Lecturer
- +46 480-44 61 93
- gunillarosendahllnuse
The faculty of social sciences invests in societal driving force News