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Results 109-118 of 118
Project: Public authority and media resilience: a qualitative interview study about the LVU campaign A qualitative interview study to investigate to investigate how was the LVU campaign handled and…
Project: The book Everyday Democracy – building resilience against polarization and radicalization A book that invites researchers and practitioners to explore various aspects of the everyday doing of…
Project: Education for Democratic Citizenship This project aims to develop a training program on democratic citizenship for Ukrainian stakeholders within the political and public sector as well as in…
Project: DIGRIS -implementation challenges of digitalisation rights in Sweden The project is grounded in the European Union (EU)'s digital strategy, with the aim of investigating how small and…
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: A Questioned Democracy The free world is facing its greatest challenge since the fall of the Berlin wall: the questioning of liberal democracy. The purpose of the…
Swedish Network for European Studies (SNES/LNU) The Swedish Network for European Studies (SNES) at Linnaeus University (LNU) focuses on three main areas: Autocartization and European democracies, EU…
- Douglas Brommesson Professor, Dean
- +46 470-70 87 61
- +46 70-245 20 98
- douglasbrommessonlnuse
- Martin Nilsson associate professor
- +46 470-70 84 74
- +46 72-594 13 71
- martinnilssonlnuse
- Johanna Jormfeldt Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 76
- +46 72-594 13 72
- johannajormfeldtlnuse
- Magnus Hagevi Professor
- +46 470-70 80 22
- magnushagevilnuse