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Results 1-8 of 8
- Rafael Messias Martins Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 08
- rafaelmartinslnuse
- Fredrik Hanell Senior lecturer, head of department
- +46 470-70 85 89
- fredrikhanelllnuse
- Marcelo Milrad Professor
- +46 470-70 87 25
- +46 73-396 95 74
- marcelomilradlnuse
- Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay Associate professor
- +46 470-70 89 10
- +46 72-594 15 88
- ludvigpapmehl-dufaylnuse
- Koraljka Golub Professor
- +46 470-70 89 09
- koraljkagolublnuse
- Hanna Carlsson associate professor
- hannacarlssonlnuse
Project: Development of a new master programme in Digital Humanities at Linnaeus University The project aims to further develop the Digital Humanities, Master Programme and establish new ways of…
- Andreas Kerren Professor
- +46 470-76 75 02
- andreaskerrenlnuse