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Results 37-54 of 119
Doctoral project: Promoting the mental health and wellbeing of young carers This doctoral project aims to further the understanding of the health effects and mental well-being of young carers in the…
Doctoral project: Circular economy and remanufacturing flows in the wood and furniture industry Public organizations, where furniture is frequently replaced, provide a unique opportunity to explore…
Doctoral project: Running to cope – an explorative study about the link between recreational running practices and perceived stress in women The project addresses the link between perceived stress and…
Project: KalmCaRe Personcentred care KalmCaRe is a collective name for the research projects within the ReAction group that focus on cancer research and are led from Kalmar County. This project has a…
First DIA licenciate seminar – Senadin Alisic News
The history of pollution is revealed through the Baltic Sea sediments News
Belonging to several stigmatized groups is not necessarily a minus on the job market News
Interdisciplinary conference helps young researchers find new collaborations News
Doctoral project: The crime prevention collaboration of the Swedish parole agency The project aims to both map the extent of the probation service's crime prevention agency cooperation, and to…
Project: Possibilites of southern Swedish wood – quality aspects for outdoor applications The aim of this project is to evaluate properties of wood and its possibilities to be used as an outdoor…
Project: Slavic converts to Islam in contemporary Kazakhstan The project examines conversion processes to Islam and the relationship between religion and ethnicity in identity formation among Slavic…
Doctoral project: Safety during icebreaker operations In this PhD project, I investigate the safety during icebreaker operations from a human perspective. Two focus areas within this project are…
Doctoral project: Connection design for wind induced vibrations in tall timber buildings How to describe and control wind-induced vibrations in a tall timber building are the new challenging questions…
Doctoral project: Multilingual upper secondary students’ writing in Swedish in school In the research project I explore the features of multilingual upper secondary students’ meaning making practices…
Doctoral project: Corpus-linguistic Methods for Upper-Secondary English Courses This project developed software intended to aid teachers in their analysis of student texts in English. The intention…
Doctoral project: Realising smarter organization by developing Digital Twin of the Organization A Digital Twin of an Organization (DTO) as a software component proposes a live model of an…
Doctoral project: Cowlonisation: environmental consequences of the arrival of cattle in the Americas The purpose of this doctoral project is to analyse the effects of the cattle economy on the…
Doctoral project: Eastern Himalayan Borderlands: Region, Community, Labour and Environment in Twentieth Century India This project aims to analyse the formation of a gendered colonial subjecthood(s)…