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Results 55-72 of 113
Elias Broman and Hanna Farnelid awarded scholarship from the foundation Konung Carl XVI Gustafs 50-årsfond News
There’s no place like home News
New, active viruses found at depths of over 400 meters News
Difficult to foresee how global warming will influence life in oceans and lakes based on existing research News
Watch the film about the expedition to Arctic with Linnaeus University's researchers News
Valuable metals in mine waste can be extracted with the help of bacteria News
New research project on the impact of extreme weather on biodiversity and pollinating insects News
- Sigitas Šulčius Postdoctoral fellow
- sigitassulciuslnuse
Remarkable Success of Noctuid Moths Amidst Climate Change: Swedish Study Reveals Surprising Trends News
- Anders Forsman Professor
- +46 480-44 61 73
- andersforsmanlnuse
- Torsten Lindström Professor
- +46 470-70 81 74
- torstenlindstromlnuse
- Catherine Legrand Professor
- +46 480-44 73 09
- +46 70-438 06 18
- catherinelegrandlnuse
- Oscar Nordahl Researcher
- +46 480-44 63 56
- oscarnordahllnuse
- Mark Dopson Professor
- +46 480-44 73 34
- markdopsonlnuse
- Andreas Svensson Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 73 19
- andreassvenssonlnuse
Project: Migratory connectivity of Pallas’s Fish Eagle populations in Asia The Pallas’s Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus) is a globally threatened species that occurs in wetlands in parts of…
Project: Algoland – Cleaning the water The Algoland project finds sustainable solutions to societal challenges. With Linnaeus University at its core, Algoland encompasses a community of knowledge from…
Project: Algoland – Mussel farming and sustainable feed from algae and mussels The Algoland project "Mussel farming and sustainable feed from algae and mussels" finds sustainable solutions to societal…