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Results 1-18 of 36
Project: Social wounds and civil repair following forced migration – a case study of narratives of suffering, ethics and morals among Swedish volunteers, social workers and young migrants
Project: Pumping up the ego: Biographical studies on young people’s doping trajectories The goal of this project was to provide increased knowledge of different types of pathways to doping, and also…
Project: A worthy reception? Social work with of refugees and migrants. Asylum reception is characterized by rapidly changing conditions as well as by a complex structure of receiving actors and…
Project: Interpreters' knowledge: language justice and equal public service The purpose of this project was to make use of interpreters' unique experiences from meetings with staff and clients in…
Project: Tracing the lives and support needs of young fathers
Project: At the Heart of Men: Myocardial infarction, Masculinity, and Lifestyle This project aims to analyse how plural and intersectional masculinities (age, class, ethnicity) covary with myocardial…
- Eva Klope Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 51
- evaklopelnuse
- Inga Oliynyk Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 21
- ingaoliynyklnuse
- Karin Larsson Eriksson Professor
- +46 470-76 75 14
- karinerikssonlnuse
- Ann Ottengrim
- annottengrimlnuse
- Åsa Tugetam Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 69 65
- asatugetamlnuse
- Åsa Trulsson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 67
- asatrulssonlnuse
- Gustav Larsson Employee paid by the hour
- gustavlarssonlnuse
- Ellen Sverkersson Doctoral student
- +46 480-44 63 44
- +46 76-830 05 40
- ellensverkerssonlnuse
- Liv Nilsson Stutz Professor
- +46 480-44 61 98
- livnilssonstutzlnuse
Project: Fulfilling the democratic assignment at schools: Encountering racial hate and National Socialism in the classroom The project investigated how racist subcultural milieus are reproduced in…
- Viktoria Grahn Johansson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 71
- viktoriajohanssonlnuse
- Camilla Strömberg Lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 88
- camillastromberglnuse