Search results
Results 1-18 of 55
- Josefin Almén Olsson Student and career counsellor
- +46 480-44 69 10
- josefinealmenolssonlnuse
- David Petersson Financial manager
- +46 480-44 63 93
- davidpeterssonlnuse
- Nina Junkka Biochemical Analyst
- ninaandersson-junkkalnuse
- Nadja Heinvall International coordinator, Education administrator
- +46 480-44 60 15
- +46 73-084 68 02
- nadjaheinvalllnuse
- Fateme Yazdi ICT Coordinator
- +46 470-70 80 44
- +46 72-233 25 06
- fatemeyazdilnuse
- Ida Årestedt Education administrator
- idaarestedtlnuse
- Marlene Svensson Controller
- +46 470-70 84 84
- marlenesvenssonlnuse
- Mattias Johansson ICT technician
- +46 480-44 62 10
- +46 70-265 82 35
- mattiasjohanssonlnuse
- Stefan Hagberg Technician
- +46 480-44 62 75
- +46 70-609 34 65
- stefanhagberglnuse
- Anna-Lena Johansson Controller
- +46 480-44 62 04
- anna-lenasjohanssonlnuse
Project: Attractive living environment in wooden residential buildings This project seeks to investigate the role of wood as related to positive effects on well-being and attractiveness in wooden…
- Mikael Andersson IT coordinator
- +46 470-70 83 68
- +46 70-894 36 62
- mikaelanderssonlnuse
- Marie-Louise Morton Financial administrator
- +46 470-76 74 27
- marie-louisemortonlnuse
- Anna Larsson Education administrator
- +46 470-70 85 08
- annalarssonlnuse
- Henrik Hallberg Technician
- +46 480-44 60 11
- +46 76-779 49 15
- henrikhallberglnuse
- Helena Andersson Faculty coordinator
- +46 470-70 83 52
- helenaanderssonlnuse
- Annica Olsson Education administrator
- +46 470-76 75 12
- annicaolssonlnuse
- Linda Haglund Education administrator
- +46 480-44 67 64
- lindahaglundlnuse