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Results 1-18 of 60
Project: Drone measurement for the intelligent forest We are to develop a system for collection of forestry information with drones that fly in the forest below the canopy. Based on video recording,…
Project: CONFLICT – Can continuous cover forestry lead to increased carbon uptake of terrestrial ecosystems? We measure the carbon uptake of a continuous cover forest and compare it with carbon fluxes…
Project: Genetic testing of oak in Sweden In this project, we have collected acorns from individual trees and grown plants for continued testing in offspring trials in southern Sweden for long-term…
Project: New approaches for conservation of threatened elm trees through holobiont concept The overall goal of this project is to expand the current knowledge base for development of sustainable…
Project: BioFrame 2.0 – navigating synergies and tradeoffs towards future forest-based solutions The project explores ways to balance the Swedish forestry sector's contribution to increased climate…
A new research project will study if continuous cover forestry sequesters more carbon than clearcutting forestry News
- Harald Säll
- +46 470-70 89 54
- +46 70-637 66 36
- haraldsalllnuse
- Giuliana Zanchi Lecturer
- giulianazanchilnuse
- Karolina Pehrson Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 86 48
- karolinapehrsonlnuse
- Klas Lucander Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-76 70 12
- klaslucanderlnuse
- Jonas Cedergren Adjunct teacher
- +46 470-70 80 04
- jonascedergrenlnuse
- Rikard Jakobsson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 33
- +46 73-399 81 33
- rikardjakobssonlnuse
- Annette Eilert Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 80 64
- annetteeilertlnuse
- Samuel Rönnbäck Adjunct teacher
- +46 470-70 83 17
- samuelronnbacklnuse
- Esra Sengün Doctoral student
- +46 470-76 70 69
- esrasengunlnuse
Project: Life-Long Learning in Forestry Latvia Development of courses for forest owners and professionals with local partners. This project was concluded in 2023.
Project: The health-promoting values and effects of the forest The intention is to explore and describe people's experiences of the forest and its importance for health and well-being.
Project: Forest 4.0 The objective of the Forest 4.0 project is to establish a Centre of Excellence (CoE) to transform the forest environment monitoring, data acquisition, and analysis. The aim is to…