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Results 109-126 of 379
Project: Power structures and resistance in 1900s and 2000s novels from the north of Sweden This project deals with a number of Swedish authors and texts that thematise and combine issues on…
Project: Expecting a baby in Arabic and Swedish! Efficient and integrating design for interactive antenatal care The research project has created a digital language support for Swedish midwives to…
Project: Cultivating Information, Organizing Culture The project aims at establishing a cross-disciplinary, international research network focused on issues concerning classification, culture and new…
Project: Welcome Re-Course: Co-produced Online Training to Support the Inclusion of Refugee, Migrant and International Students Welcome Re-Course is a co-produced online training to support the…
Project: Set size and reference In the project, we investigate by means of EEG how positive quantified expressions (e.g. "almost all" and "a few") are processed in connection to anaphoric reference.
Project: Language processing: domain general or domain specific? ERP studies of verbal and visual language processing in children with typical and atypical language development By comparing processing…
Project: Future Food Cultures in the Anthropocene The dominant global diet is a major contributor to the climate crisis. A transformation faces considerable practical problems, but is also a major…
Project: Making mission families The purpose of this project is to investigate how ideas and practises concerning family, household and home are constructed and negotiated within Scandinavian…
Project: Variation in the reference to quantified noun phrases In this project, we investigate how quantified expressions (e.g. 'almost all' and 'a few') are interpreted in connection to anaphoric…
Project: Global and postcolonial comics This project investigates contemporary developments in comics and graphic novels from a global perspective, with a focus on issues of identity and migration.…
Project: Establishing new reference in discourse This project investigates by means of EEG (at Humlab, Lund University) how the brain processes referential relations in language. We investigate…
Project: Ethical Entanglements – The caring for human remains in museums and research Research on human remains is a part of a long scientific tradition. Today museums are the custodians of extensive…
Project: Young Southern Speculatives: New Decolonialisms in the Capitalocene This project identifies a new eco-speculative strand of world literature written by young authors from the Global South –…
Project: Tracks through nature – the railways and environmental consequences of colonial infrastructure in India, c. 1860-1870 By focusing on environmental conditions and resources, this project…
Seed project: Ways to deal with racism in teachers education programs In this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Education in Change, we investigate how racism is understood and…
Project: Elin Wägner on the Screen Elin Wägner (1882-1949) was a Swedish writer, journalist, suffragette, peace activist and environmentalist. Less examined is her relationship with cinema. She is a…
- Victoria Dryselius Lecturer
- +46 470-76 75 43
- victoriadryseliuslnuse
- Göran Nikolausson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 58
- +46 72-525 10 08
- gorannikolaussonlnuse