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Project: Eir - internet compassion-course for healthcare professionals The aim of this study is to investigate whether who different internet-based courses for healthcare professionals contributes to…
- Anna Bratt Associate professor, head of department
- +46 470-76 78 20
- annabrattlnuse
- Mats Holmberg
- matsholmberglnuse
- Ida Olsson
- idaolssonlnuse
- Carina Elmqvist Adjunct professor
- carinaelmqvistlnuse
- Viktor Kaldo Professor
- viktorkaldolnuse
- Cecilia Fagerström Professor
- +46 470-76 78 86
- ceciliafagerstromlnuse
- Maude Johansson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 75 15
- +46 72-594 16 77
- maudejohanssonlnuse