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Results 1-18 of 54
Sustainable maritime transport Course 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2024
- Distance
- Master’s level
- One-quarter-time
Gender in male-dominated occupations Course 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2024
- Distance
- Master’s level
- One-quarter-time
Strengthen your company’s development journey with an externally-employed doctoral student in AI/Computer/IT News
New project will reduce risk of harassment at sea News
- Niclas Thorin Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 64 28
- niclasthorinlnuse
- Karolina Stark Lecturer
- +46 480-49 76 42
- +46 72-218 67 77
- karolinastarklnuse
Project: Energy Efficiency in Shipping The research in this project is conducted with an operational point of view, which means that using measured data from ships in operation is in focus. So far the…
Project: Dealing with risk in a maritime context Risk as a concept includes both objective/engineering and subjective/societal approaches and is the bedrock of policy-making within maritime spatial…
- Rolf Söderström Lecturer
- +46 480-49 76 26
- rolfsoderstromlnuse
- Magnus Hofvander Lecturer
- +46 480-49 76 84
- +46 72-560 50 54
- magnushofvanderlnuse
- Petronella Lind Lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 19
- petronellalindlnuse
- Emma Birgersson Employee paid by the hour
- emmabirgerssonlnuse
- Ellinor Brandt Lecturer
- +46 480-49 70 80
- ellinorbrandtlnuse
Project: Personal protective equipment – strategies and recommendations for increased use through adaptation to user, task and context Within the construction and shipping industries, there are work…
Project: From passive receiver to active resource in the crisis management system By involving people with disabilities and their interest organizations in crisis and emergency preparedness work, we…
Project: Evaluation of quality-enhancing measures within supervision at sea The ship-based practice forms a central part of maritime education. During their time at sea, supervision is important for…
Researcher awarded for his work for the Baltic Sea environment News
Bullying and harassment continues to be a challenge for the maritime industry News