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How do translators handle complex phrases? New research examines different strategies News
Project: Set size and reference In the project, we investigate by means of EEG how positive quantified expressions (e.g. "almost all" and "a few") are processed in connection to anaphoric reference.
Project: Variation in the reference to quantified noun phrases In this project, we investigate how quantified expressions (e.g. 'almost all' and 'a few') are interpreted in connection to anaphoric…
Project: Establishing new reference in discourse This project investigates by means of EEG (at Humlab, Lund University) how the brain processes referential relations in language. We investigate…
The Linnaeus University English-German-Swedish Corpus (LEGS) In the LEGS research group, we compare linguistic structures across English, German and Swedish. For this purpose we are compiling a…
Doctoral project: Corpus-linguistic Methods for Upper-Secondary English Courses This project developed software intended to aid teachers in their analysis of student texts in English. The intention…
New book on digital humanities crosses subject borders News
Project: Quantification in Swedish We investigate how native speakers of Swedish process sentences, such as "Some students fell asleep during the lecture but they didn’t miss much". The sentences…
Project: Ambiguous anaphoric reference in discourse This project will explore the mechanisms involved in the brain’s processing and construction of interpretations of anaphoric reference in context.…
Project: Variation in gender agreement in modern Swedish The aim of this project is to find out if Swedish speakers use one or two systems for gender agreement in language processing. There are…
Project: The Lost Generation Corpus The Lost Generation, as a term, refers to expatriate U.S authors who lived and worked in Europe during the first half of the 1900s. This project currently deals…
- Mikko Laitinen Professor
- mikkolaitinenlnuse