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Results 37-54 of 285
Project: Low-Carbon Economy Transformation through Sustainable Energy Modernization and Access in Lesotho (LETSEMA) This project aims to equip the National University of Lesotho and the Bethel…
Doctoral project: Digitalization of Business Model This project is about developing a business model for omnichannel retailing. Global competition in highly dynamic retail markets demands firms to…
Project: Viral Transmission in the Dynamic Environment of Surface Microlayers and Rainwater (VIRTIDE) Viruses of bacteria hold a distinct position at the boundary between the atmosphere and…
Project: Carbon export of the smallest phytoplankton This project investigates the role of small phytoplankton in the carbon cycle of the ocean, through quantifying how much their cells aggregate, how…
Project: NIPROFEED - unraveling the nitrogen fixation-primary production feedback loop: implications for carbon cycling and oceanic health The NIPROFEED project explores how diazotrophs, microbes that…
Seed project: Ways to deal with racism in teachers education programs In this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Education in Change, we investigate how racism is understood and…
Project: Alternative Media Logic Alternative Media Logic examines the appeal and impact of alternative media on the Swedish media landscape and the conditions of democratic discourse. "Media logic"…
Project: Measuring older persons’ well-being The research project aims to create better conditions for improving the well-being of older adults by developing a quality-assured measure with robust…
Project: International guest professor in data driven business innovation The research project aims to facilitate businesses that focus on using data as their primary resource to create new value…
Project: The highest bubble streams on record raise questions on methane emissions from the deep Baltic Sea This project aims to understand processes that lead to a huge accumulation of methane gas at…
Project: Efficient remanufacturing of furniture used in public environments (RE:Furn) Large amounts of furniture are often discarded because it costs more to repair and reuse them than to buy new…
Doctoral project: Circular economy and remanufacturing flows in the wood and furniture industry Public organizations, where furniture is frequently replaced, provide a unique opportunity to explore…
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Digital Transformations The challenges within the area of digitalisation are numerous and how we handle them is crucial for the future. The purpose of the knowledge…
Governance, Ethics, and Corruption (GEC) Studying the bright side AND the dark side of public governance. The issues that we study broadly concern governance, challenges to sustainable democratic…
Centre for Digital Humanities Linnaeus University has a strong foundation in Digital Humanities, integrating computational methods with humanities research. The Centre for Digital Humanities aims to…
Mechanical Engineering The research in the field of mechanical engineering is broad and has its main focus in six areas: structural dynamics, material science, industrial economics, terotechnology,…
Centre of Interprofessional Collaboration within Emergency care (CICE) CICE is a Swedish knowledge centre at Linnaeus University, Campus Växjö, operating through an operative group, steering group and…
Physical education and sport in transition The research group addresses educational issues of physical education and sport.