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Results 73-90 of 285
Project: CONFLICT – Can continuous cover forestry lead to increased carbon uptake of terrestrial ecosystems? We measure the carbon uptake of a continuous cover forest and compare it with carbon fluxes…
Project: The research school Upgrade The research school Upgrade – teacher education and the digitalization of the school system is a national research school in which nine Swedish universities work…
Project: Mobilization and redox-cycling of uranium in two boreal sulfidic landscapes The overall aim of this project is to explore and investigate the biogeochemical processes that control the…
Project: Pre-study supply chains deciduous wood Together with Träcentrum, Linnaeus University is conducting a pre-study to map out the opportunities for domestic production of deciduous wood raw…
Project: BioFrame 2.0 – navigating synergies and tradeoffs towards future forest-based solutions The project explores ways to balance the Swedish forestry sector's contribution to increased climate…
Project: Low-Carbon Economy Transformation through Sustainable Energy Modernization and Access in Lesotho (LETSEMA) This project aims to equip the National University of Lesotho and the Bethel…
Doctoral project: Digitalization of Business Model This project is about developing a business model for omnichannel retailing. Global competition in highly dynamic retail markets demands firms to…
Project: Viral Transmission in the Dynamic Environment of Surface Microlayers and Rainwater (VIRTIDE) Viruses of bacteria hold a distinct position at the boundary between the atmosphere and…
Project: Carbon export of the smallest phytoplankton This project investigates the role of small phytoplankton in the carbon cycle of the ocean, through quantifying how much their cells aggregate, how…
Project: NIPROFEED - unraveling the nitrogen fixation-primary production feedback loop: implications for carbon cycling and oceanic health The NIPROFEED project explores how diazotrophs, microbes that…
Seed project: Ways to deal with racism in teachers education programs In this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Education in Change, we investigate how racism is understood and…
Project: Alternative Media Logic Alternative Media Logic examines the appeal and impact of alternative media on the Swedish media landscape and the conditions of democratic discourse. "Media logic"…
Project: Measuring older persons’ well-being The research project aims to create better conditions for improving the well-being of older adults by developing a quality-assured measure with robust…
Project: International guest professor in data driven business innovation The research project aims to facilitate businesses that focus on using data as their primary resource to create new value…
Project: The highest bubble streams on record raise questions on methane emissions from the deep Baltic Sea This project aims to understand processes that lead to a huge accumulation of methane gas at…
Project: Efficient remanufacturing of furniture used in public environments (RE:Furn) Large amounts of furniture are often discarded because it costs more to repair and reuse them than to buy new…
Doctoral project: Circular economy and remanufacturing flows in the wood and furniture industry Public organizations, where furniture is frequently replaced, provide a unique opportunity to explore…
Project: Algoland – Cleaning the water The Algoland project finds sustainable solutions to societal challenges. With Linnaeus University at its core, Algoland encompasses a community of knowledge from…