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- Yannick Francioli
- yannickfranciolilnuse
- Domenico Simone Postdoctoral Fellow
- domenicosimonelnuse
- Maryam Rezaei Somee
- maryamrezaeisomeelnuse
- Maria Lundgren Doctoral student
- marialundgrenlnuse
- Caroline Littlefield Karlsson Project assistent
- +46 480-44 73 25
- carolinelittlefieldkarlssonlnuse
- Camilla Karlsson Research engineer
- +46 480-44 63 27
- camillaakarlssonlnuse
- Lisa Winberg von Friesen Postdoctoral Fellow
- lisawinbergvonfriesenlnuse
Project: Cascading effects of drought on farming/grazing and farmland biodiversity The impacts of drought and grazing on farmland biodiversity and productivity have seldom been studied in semi-natural…
Project: Transfer of thiamin in the microbial food web (MicroThi) Thiamin (vitamin B1) deficiency cause behavioural and reproductive disorders leading to mortality in fish and birds. The aim of the…
Doctoral project: Mixotrophic cultivation of microalgae for nutrient and CO2 recovery from waste streams Microalgae can efficiently recover nutrient and CO2 from industrial waste streams. Mixotrophic…
Project: Unravelling biodiversity and zooplankton feeding preferences in one of the last blind spots of the Arctic Ocean The food webs of many parts of the Arctic Ocean are not well characterized.…
Project: Arctic expedition - Synoptic Arctic Survey-SAS Oden 2021 The expedition Synoptic Arctic Survey will take place onboard the Swedish Icebreaker Oden during August-September 2021. The expedition…
Doctoral project: Evolutionary ecology of the Baltic Sea The aim of this project is to investigate the effect that the temperature and hence climate change have on different organisms. For that,…
Doctoral project: Microbial ecology of Baltic Sea sediments exposed to 50 years of warming This project will study the microbiology of Baltic Sea sediments that have been exposed to 50 years of…
Doctoral project:Thiamin dynamics in Atlantic salmon The project focuses on thiamin deficiency in salmon in the Baltic Sea, a phenomenon that affects their behavior and offspring survival. By…
Doctoral project: Uncovering mechanisms inducing thiamin deficiency in top predators of the Baltic Sea Several species in the Northern hemisphere are suffering from vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency…
Project: Why are mussel-eating sea birds declining? Several benthic feeding sea bird populations, including common eider (Somateria mollissima), have declined dramatically in recent decades. Likewise,…
Project: Baltic Sea bays exposed to 50 years of warming can inform how biodiversity and ecosystem functioning respond to climate change While there is little doubt that climate change is occurring,…