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Linnaeus University Language, Cognition and Culture Lab (LiLa Lab) Linnaeus University Language, Cognition and Culture Lab (LiLa Lab) was opened in 2019. The ambition of the lab is partly to create…
Project: Language processing: domain general or domain specific? ERP studies of verbal and visual language processing in children with typical and atypical language development By comparing processing…
- Jonas Svensson Professor
- +46 470-70 86 98
- jonassvenssonlnuse
- Hanna Lindfors Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 84 97
- hannalindforslnuse
- Federica Raschellà Doctoral student
- federicaraschellalnuse
- Christian Waldmann Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 89 43
- christianwaldmannlnuse
- Claes Ohlsson Associate professor
- +46 470-76 78 80
- claesohlssonlnuse
Project: Learning to focus – How Stockholm and Skåne Swedish children produce and comprehend contrastive intonation Speakers make use of speech melody or intonation in order to highlight the most…
- Annika Andersson Associate professor
- +46 470-76 74 34
- Helena Gunnarsson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 72 02
- +46 76-768 16 17
- helenagunnarssonlnuse
- Gilbert Ambrazaitis Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 67 25
- +46 72-594 95 56
- gilbertambrazaitislnuse