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Project: Health-promoting substances in the See Buckthorn; collaborative project with Strandå Organic Farms (Havtornsgården) The aim of the project is to determine the content of health-promoting…
Project: Gut microbiota composition and digestion of animal foods The gut with its microorganisms - the gut flora - is of importance to health. We aim to study how the gut flora in persons with and…
- Cecilia Soto Thompson Lecturer
- +46 480-44 64 16
- ceciliasotothompsonlnuse
- Cornelia Witthöft Professor
- +46 480-44 63 10
- +46 72-529 58 10
- corneliawitthoftlnuse
- Boel Lindegård Senior lecturer
- boellindegardlnuse
Berries and pulses reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and are good for the gut microbiota News
Project: Health-promoting legumes A diet rich in legumes is reported to reduce the risk of metabolic related diseases while benefiting the environment. This project aims to evaluate the health effects…
Project: Innovative legume-based foods and drinks for enhanced resource use efficiency in food systems The purpose of this transsektionell research project is to develop climate-smart and healthy…
Food Science Our research is oriented towards food and nutritional sciences. Our focus is on food quality and product development of new healthy food.
- Maria Bergström Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 41
- +46 73-092 57 65
- mariabergstromlnuse
- Mohammed Hefni DOCENT
- +46 480-44 61 30
- mohammedhefnilnuse