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Results 127-140 of 140
- Magnus Hagevi Professor
- +46 470-70 80 22
- magnushagevilnuse
- Tobias Bromander Senior Lecturer, Head of department
- +46 470-70 82 07
- +46 73-073 00 86
- tobiasbromanderlnuse
- Hanna Ryzhenko Affiliated researcher
- hannaryzhenkoexternlnuse
- Tove Mattisson Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 80 89
- tovemattissonlnuse
- Patric Lindgren Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 70 74
- patriclindgrenlnuse
Project: New wine in new bottles: Preconditions for a modern civil defence This project aims at producing new knowledge about and better understanding of the preconditions to develop, strengthen and…
Project: Changes and Challenges to Kosovo's Democracy This project analyses Kosovo's democratization since the declaration of independence in 2008, by focusing on conditions within and changes to five…
Project: Sweden and the European Union The project analysis how Swedish politics has developed and been shaped by the EU membership of 1995 up until today, with particular focus on EU multilevel…
Project: ESG Impact Index in Higher Education (Shift) Shift aims at increasing the capacity of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to contribute to the sustaiable development goals by assessing and…
Project: Policing democracy (Poldem) during political manifestations The purpose of the project is to develop theory-based understandings of how democratic values are learned in public institutions,…
Project: Education for Democratic Citizenship This project aims to develop a training program on democratic citizenship for Ukrainian stakeholders within the political and public sector as well as in…
Project: DIGRIS -implementation challenges of digitalisation rights in Sweden The project is grounded in the European Union (EU)'s digital strategy, with the aim of investigating how small and…
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: A Questioned Democracy The free world is facing its greatest challenge since the fall of the Berlin wall: the questioning of liberal democracy. The purpose of the…
Swedish Network for European Studies (SNES/LNU) The Swedish Network for European Studies (SNES) at Linnaeus University (LNU) focuses on three main areas: Autocartization and European democracies, EU…