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Results 685-702 of 893
Project: Smart storage solutions in the fridge of the future to reduce food waste About one third of the food production in the world is thrown away, which is one of the largest single sources of…
Project: Social connectivity and help seeking behavior among abused women in rural Bangladesh - a cross-cultural qualitative study The prevalence of physical, sexual and psychological abuse against…
Project: Social cues for environmental messaging in tourist destinations – an experimental design A project about social attention, tourism and environmental messages.
Project: Social entrepreneurship and sport Project Manager: Katarina Schenker Project Members: Katarina Schenker, Susanne Linner, Per Gerrevall, Daniel Bjärsholm and Tomas Peterson Participating…
Project: Social structure and ageing in social mole-rats It has been suggested that social mole-rats may be organised in permanent, distinct castes that differ in behaviour and longevity, suggesting…
Project: Social wounds and civil repair following forced migration – a case study of narratives of suffering, ethics and morals among Swedish volunteers, social workers and young migrants
Project: Software Technology for Self-Adaptive Systems The purpose of this project is to increase the engineering efficiency of self-adaptive systems. The development, maintenance and operation of…
Project: Soil contaminant transfer to urban vegetables In this project, we study the significance of some key factors for the transfer of soil contaminants to vegetables grown in urban environments.
Project: Sovereignty and the Suppression of Piracy in Maritime Southeast Asia, c.1850-1910 The suppression of piracy and other forms of maritime violence was a keystone in the colonisation of…
Project: Spectral properties of unbounded operator functions Advanced time-dependent materials are used to model viscoelastic properties of wood, wave propagation of ultrasound, and systems with…
Project: Statelessness and political belonging in a world of nation-states This research project investigates statelessness and political belonging in a world of unequal nation-states and citizenship…
Project: StaViCTA Stancetaking is an important factor for social interaction in human communication. This interdisciplinary project will identify how we express stance on the Internet – to create a…
Project: STEFORA – STEM For ALL The aim of this EU-funded project is to to decrease inequality in STEM Education.
Project: STELLA - Digital Transformation of Swedish Furniture Industry through Advanced Digital Value Chains In this project, we aim to refine a Digital Product Passport (DPP) ecosystem for the…
Project: STEM education on equal terms This project faces the challenge of giving pupils – independent of gender, social background or ethnicity – the possibility to participate in and utilize STEM…
Project: Strategic Research Centre for 4th Generation District Heating (4DH) Technologies and Systems This project will generate knowledge in the design of fourth generation, low-temperature heating…
Project: Strategies for Increased Circularity in the Wood Processing Industry (CirkuWood) In Sweden, taking wood raw materials for granted is easy, but a shortage of certain raw materials already…
Project: Strength grading of structural timber and glued laminated timber by laser scanning and three-dimensional structural modeling This project aims in particular at development of an accurate…