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Results 793-810 of 892
Project: Using past data to prevent future fractures Certain types of medication increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. In this research project, we develop a risk assessment tool which can…
Project: Using research and experience-based evidence In this project, teachers at two preschools systematically examined their own practice, with a focus on documentation and evaluation, in order to…
Project: Utilisation of renewable biomass and waste materials for production of environmental-friendly, bio-based composites The aim of this project is the development and testing of…
Project: VanProd - Innovation for Enhanced Production of Vanadium from Waste Streams in the Nordic Region Vanadium is an important element for industry and despite its projected increased consumption,…
Project: Variation in gender agreement in modern Swedish The aim of this project is to find out if Swedish speakers use one or two systems for gender agreement in language processing. There are…
Project: Variation in the reference to quantified noun phrases In this project, we investigate how quantified expressions (e.g. 'almost all' and 'a few') are interpreted in connection to anaphoric…
Project: VCardiac - A Novel Framework for Contactless Detection and Forecasting of Early Stages of Heart Diseases and Cardiac Arrest Conditions VCardiac is a new framework that utilises acoustic heart…
Project: Viral Transmission in the Dynamic Environment of Surface Microlayers and Rainwater (VIRTIDE) Viruses of bacteria hold a distinct position at the boundary between the atmosphere and…
Project: Virus control on Baltic Picocyanobacteria Viruses are the most abundant biological entity in marine environments and influence the abundance and evolution of microbes. Here, we explore the…
Project: Visibility of teachers' classroom assessments The project aimed to make primary school teachers' assessment processes visible together with students in teaching contexts.
Project: Visualization and Exploration Flexiboard for Timber Buildings (TimberVis) Within the collaboration between InfraVis, the national research infrastructure for data visualization, and the…
Project: Visualizing quantified self data using avatars The purpose of the project is to explore creative ways to visualize Quantified Self data, aggregated from social media and Internet of Things…
Project: War anomie In this project, the obscure practices and rhetoric of the war is analysed, the emotions and moral of the war, human interaction during horrific captivity and escape but also the…
Project: War sociology – renewed analysis of ethnographic material from Bosnia This project analyses verbally depicted experiences of survivors from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Project: Wave propagation and radiative transfer in the atmosphere Wave propagation and radiative transfer in the atmosphere is a modern research area with immediate connection to the greenhouse…
Project: Web and mobile accessibility for visually impaired (WMA4VIP) WMA4VIP was an exploratory research project that investigated the challenges that the community of blind and visually impaired…
Project: Welcome Re-Course: Co-produced Online Training to Support the Inclusion of Refugee, Migrant and International Students Welcome Re-Course is a co-produced online training to support the…
Project: Welfare professional decision-making – discretion, principles and programs The purpose of this project is to understand the relation between discretion, principles, and programs in welfare…