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Project: Treatment Research with Adolescents at the Maria clinics The idea of the project is to shed light on outcomes for the young people who started an outpatient contact with a Maria clinic one…
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Education in change Education in change is a common platform for eleven research environments. We integrate education, research and collaboration in creative…
Successful or humiliated? Experiences of upper secondary school are complex among students who are newly arrived News
Supporting professionals and young users need to see and acknowledge each other in the fight against substance abuse News
Conditions for higher education study: the perspectives of prospective students from rural areas News
How does the study counsellor's work situation and collaboration with other teachers affect the learning of new arrivals? News
It is important for learning that both students and teachers are involved in the interactions in the classroom News
Doctoral project: Student health in Swedish high schools This dissertation project focuses on student health work in Swedish high schools. The perspectives of several actors are represented.
It is important to involve the teachers in the work with student health News