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To databaseBSU (Business Source Ultimate) Subject: Business and Economics | Type: Articles More info
Five new projects granted funds by the research council Forte News
Project: Asylum interviews in South Africa and Sweden: Experiences, interpretations, and negotiations This project seeks to investigate and compare the asylum procedure in two countries, South Africa…
Project: Statelessness and political belonging in a world of nation-states This research project investigates statelessness and political belonging in a world of unequal nation-states and citizenship…
Project: Generating hope and dealing with uncertainty: An ethnographic study of the social dimensions of hope in the Swedish asylum-seeking context This project will study issues of hope and…
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: A Questioned Democracy The free world is facing its greatest challenge since the fall of the Berlin wall: the questioning of liberal democracy. The purpose of the…
Project: School as a protection factor The aim of this project is to identify and analyse achievements, obstacles, collaboration, and identities in senior high school work with students who use…
Project: Migration experience and religion as resource. An ethnographic study. I study how the migratory experience is mirrored in Sunday services in a Nigerian pentecostal congregation in Malmö,…
Project: Narratives as cultural heritage. Power and resistance in collections of narratives from and about immigrants at the archive of Nordic Museum 1970-2015 This project investigates how memory…
Project: Moral stress and moral agency in Swedish eldercare This project investigates how and when moral agency can be mobilized in eldercare, where ethical dilemmas and moral stress are constantly…
Social Work Third-cycle programme in social work.
Social work, disability and ageing (SODA) Within the research community of Social Work, Disability and Ageing (SODA) the research area is related to social problems among people with disabilities and…
Project: Early coordinated initiatives for children who may be vulnerable to, or find themselves involved in, criminality The objective of this study is to discuss and analyze cooperation processes in…
Project: Alone but connected? This international project aims to deepen the understanding of the intersections between digitalisation and intergenerational care relationships among elderly living…
Project: Global social work and human mobility This EU project's main objective is to consolidate an international and inter-sectorial network of comparative and collaborative research and training on…
Project: Living in transit This project analyses (individual) agency and (structural) constraints among young people who have engaged in ‘secondary migration’ following rejections in Sweden. The aim…
Project: Honour problematics investigated by Swedish social services The purpose of the project is to enhance the understanding of how social services and family legal services investigate and…
- Åsa Söderqvist Forkby Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 72 04
- asasoderqvistlnuse