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Results 37-54 of 106
Doctoral project: Migration discourse in the Swedish mainstream and social media The project studied migration discourse in the Swedish mainstream and social media in the last decade. Using the…
Project: A valid police (education) Like many other countries that have already academised police education – not least other Nordic countries – Sweden had both the political will and far-reaching…
Project: Welfare professional decision-making – discretion, principles and programs The purpose of this project is to understand the relation between discretion, principles, and programs in welfare…
Doctoral project: Negotiating Respectability My dissertation project explores how drag participants experience and do familyhood, gender, and aging.
Project: Sibling violence from a professional perspective - managing and preventing an overlooked form of violence in close relationships In this project we study social workers' and family…
- Glenn Sjöstrand Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 84
- glennsjostrandlnuse
- Dino Viscovi Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 57
- dinoviscovilnuse
- Goran Basic Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 89 59
- goranbasiclnuse
- +46 470-70 86 62
- anna-mariamarekoviclnuse
- Henrik Hultman Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 07
- henrikhultmanlnuse
Sociology Sociology is both a workmanship and a special way of thinking. Within the subject, human relations and different types of societal processes are studied. Thus, the fields of study within…
Study on how international collaboration between police organisations can be improved News
New study on unaccompanied young refugees News
Inclusive professional actors are important for upper secondary school students using alcohol and drugs News
An analysis of the Bosnian-Herzegovinan post-war society News
How can different parties in society work together for the good of the children? News
30 years of data shows: Population growth is the main driver of increased carbon emissions News
New study analyses newly arrived parents’ collaboration in Swedish school context News