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Project: Detection of defects on wood surfaces on the basis of optical scanning The purpose of this research project is to gain increased knowledge and a better understanding of how different wood…
Project: Competitive timber structures – Resource efficiency and climate benefits along the wood value chain through engineering design Through increasing scientific knowledge along the wood…
- Min Hu Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 67
- +46 72-246 45 03
- minhulnuse
Strength Grading of Timber Timber exhibits large variations in mechanical properties, which makes grading of timber into appropriate strength classes important for the competitiveness towards other…
- Jan Oscarsson
- janoscarssonlnuse
- Osama Abdeljaber Associate senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 60
- osamaabdeljaberlnuse
Project: CT scanning and the influence of knots in structural timber This project aimed to conduct a comprehensive analysis of wood material at a micro-scale level, using computer tomography.…
- Anders Olsson Professor
- +46 470-70 89 85
- +46 70-730 51 70
- andersolssonlnuse
Project: Improving the competitive advantage of CLT-based building systems through engineering design and reduced carbon footprint The objective of this project is to increase the competitiveness of…