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Results 1-18 of 19
- George Westmeijer
- georgewestmeijerlnuse
- Domenico Simone Postdoctoral Fellow
- domenicosimonelnuse
Project: Baltic Sea bays exposed to 50 years of warming can inform how biodiversity and ecosystem functioning respond to climate change While there is little doubt that climate change is occurring,…
Project: Microbial consortia for enhanced copper recovery (MiCCuR) The world’s demand for metals is increasing all the time while the available stocks are dwindling. This project will develop the…
Elias Broman and Hanna Farnelid awarded scholarship from the foundation Konung Carl XVI Gustafs 50-årsfond News
- Mark Dopson Professor
- +46 480-44 73 34
- markdopsonlnuse
- Magnus Ståhle Laboratory engineer
- +46 480-44 62 39
- magnusstahlelnuse
- Laura Seidel
- lauraseidellnuse
Project: Syntrophy and symbiosis as mechanisms for growth and survival in deep terrestrial biosphere fracture systems Despite being separated from the sun’s energy, life exists deep underground in…
Project: VanProd - Innovation for Enhanced Production of Vanadium from Waste Streams in the Nordic Region Vanadium is an important element for industry and despite its projected increased consumption,…
Project: Cell-to-cell-signaling in microbial communities of pyrite-oxidizing acidophiles Microorganisms preferentially grow on surfaces in a mixed community of different species, termed 'biofilms'.…
Microorganisms - Extreme survivors News
SEK 13.5 million to Linnaeus University News
Stressed bacteria struggle to adapt to temperature changes News
“The nastiest soils on earth” are becoming a bigger problem News
Systems Biology of Microorganisms Systems biology is the study of the interactions between the components of biological systems
Project: Changes in microbial population and their functions as a response to environmental changes in Baltic Sea sediments The project will investigate Baltic Sea sediments in terms of both 'dead…
Project: Selective biorecovery of critical raw materials from primary and secondary sources (Biorecover) The world’s demand for metals is increasing all the time while the available stocks are…