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Preschool and school in Sweden Course 22.5 creditsCancelled
- Autumn 2024
- Kalmar
- Bachelor’s level
- 75%
Police work We offer advanced-level academic courses for police officers looking to further develop their knowledge in police work. All our courses are given in Swedish.
Pedagogy, Education Sociology and Science Education Teacher education at the Department of Education and Teachers’ Practice.
Gender studies Gender studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines power relations, inequality, resource allocation and norms in society. The starting point is that gender plays a role for…
SEK 16.5 million to four researchers News
SEK 11.5 million to three research projects in educational sciences News
SEK 47 million in research grants from the Swedish Research Council News
SEK 8 million to Linnaeus University News
Teacher Education At Linnaeus University we train you who wants to become a teacher or already is a teacher. We give you the opportunity to grow in your role as teacher.
Seed project: Ways to deal with racism in teachers education programs In this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Education in Change, we investigate how racism is understood and…
- Daniel Sundberg Professor
- +46 470-70 89 57
- +46 73-422 23 15
- danielsundberglnuse
- Goran Basic Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 89 59
- goranbasiclnuse
Robots and collaboration are keys to teaching in programming in schools in the future News
New study analyses newly arrived parents’ collaboration in Swedish school context News
How can different parties in society work together for the good of the children? News
Successful or humiliated? Experiences of upper secondary school are complex among students who are newly arrived News
How does the study counsellor's work situation and collaboration with other teachers affect the learning of new arrivals? News
Inclusive professional actors are important for upper secondary school students using alcohol and drugs News